Hey guys! I have finally figured out how to log back on here. I managed to somehow lock it by guessing the wrong password several hundred times. Anyways I had a weird experience having to post so many times in a week via twitter or instagram. I personally like to be a ghost follower, and post casually when something good in my life has happened or sometimes if something interesting happened.
So typically I will post a picture on instagram once every other month. I am the type of person who thinks my followers are following me to see pictures of running related pictures instead of weird post. So I struggled a bit trying to get out of that shell to post onto this account. I obviously wanted to post some artistic pictures and relate it to myself a little bit. Even adding a bit of the “throwback” style that has been integrated into social media.
I have a twitter myself, but do not use it at all. Re-tweeting, tweeting, and favoriting are all foreign concepts to me. So I had to figure out how to tweet and that including being able to put my thought into 140 characters. 140 characters does not sound like a lot, but when it adds up pretty quickly. I think I learned quite a bit through playing around with the twitter app during my time.
Spotify had to be one of the worst applications I have ever touched. Finding a song was so difficult, then trying to play the song to make sure it was the one I was thinking was impossible. I had to ask a friend to walk me through the process of making a playlist and then adding the correct songs to it. This might be why the playlist I made was pretty short.
Hi, Robert,
Can you post a link to your Spotify playlist on this blog post? Unless I’ve lost it in my email, I can’t find it. Sorry you found the application tricky to use! I love it, but I’ve grown accustomed to it, so to each her/his own.
My favorite part of your turn as a curator was your Instagram posts. You had a nice mix of posts, and I like how your comments were interactive. I hope your classmates take you up on the questions you asked and keep the conversation going.
Hi Robert,
I have to say i think you might have had an advantage to not being familiar with instagram or twitter. You got to be a ‘dandelion’ and make your own rules. Twitter can be so fun, I’m more of a re-twetter myself..
Hey Robert,
I thought you killed the Instagram game during your curator week; I wish I could dunk. Your twitter analysis of the all star game definitely cracked me up a little bit. I also don’t really post on Instagram, so having an account where I can post freely is definitely something new.
– Jack
Hi Robert,
Great job on all of your posts this week on the different course accounts! I can totally relate to you regarding Twitter, as I have an account from a couple of years ago but do not really use it. I actually ended up deleting the app from my phone because I was not using it and it was taking up space on my phone. I think it will definitely be weird getting back on there and I will need to re-familiarize myself with the app when it is my week as media curator.
Raw Burt,
Dang are you one of those people who look at everything but don’t like anything? I hate those people. Brb about to unfriend you on Facebook 😉
Just kidding, I think you are pretty funny and you clearly have a lot to say in class so you should share more!
Maan I hate spotify, I’m about apple music all day. I feel you on Twitter too, 140 characters really is not that much. You probably post more on Instagram than I do, but that’s because my tbt game is weak ever since I lost my old phone with all my photos.
Keep it tight Burt.