This past week I have had the pleasure of being the media curator for all of the Rhetoric of the iPhone social media accounts. I have really enjoyed this assignment, as it was a fun type of homework so it created a more fun and entertaining learning environment.
My favorite part about being the media curator was having the opportunity to manage the course Instagram account. Instagram is one of my favorite apps to use on my phone, especially since I love looking at and taking pictures. I liked how laid back it was and how much freedom I was given in posting pictures, which was fun as I was able to show my personality through my posts. I also really enjoyed making my Spotify playlist. My playlist has a lot of variety in the different genres so hopefully everyone will find some songs on there that they like!
The toughest part of this assignment was definitely staying on top of all of the posts. I tried to tweet every day as well as post an Instagram photo about every day as well so that I could spread out the posts. In the beginning, it seemed like a lot and was stressful to think of what to post. However, as the week progressed and I figured out ideas of things that I could post, it got easier and came more naturally. Since I was already familiar with all of the media sources that we used, it helped me a lot as I use Instagram often and just needed to refresh myself about Twitter. I haven’t used Twitter In a couple of years, but I still knew the basics so it was easy to just refresh myself.
Overall, I really enjoyed this assignment and felt like I was able to learn and grow from it. I have never had a homework assignment like this for any of my other classes, so I liked how it incorporated the technological aspects by having us post to social media accounts. This gave it a whole new feel and made it a more fun learning experience in the end. I had a great time with this assignment and hope that everyone enjoyed my posts!
Hi Meg,
I really enjoyed your post! Just like you i have never had a class with homework in this form before. I have heard of some of my friends in the journalism school having to create personal twitter accounts and always thought it was such a cool thing. I really do believe twitter is such a cool way to give and receive information and after this assignment i really do want to try to keep up with twitter. Im not sure if I’m going to start a new account or try to uncover my old one.. I may be a little to embarrassed about my previous tweets….
Hey Meg,
I also enjoyed this assignment because it was something very different compared to all of the other assignments I have. This past week was my turn to take over the social media accounts and it was very fun considering the stress due to the end of the semester. I was also a little stressed at the beginning but I was able to post something almost every day as well. I really enjoyed listening to your Spotify playlist and even recognized some songs that I included in my own playlist for the class!
I totally agree that keeping up with the post was challenging because the week goes by so fast, and with life in the way, it would be hard to spread out the posts. I had never had to do this for a class either so I also thought it as a good learning experience. I loved your Spotify playlist!!
Hi Meg,
Dropping by to say I’m a big fan of your spotify playlist. I think we have similar tastes in music. I like how you have the EDM and early 2000’s angst contrast. Blink 182 in its prime will never get old — I got a treat while seeing them for free while I covered the X Games last summer. Regardless, I think your music taste really shines through here.
Nice job!