lora’s experience.

Initially I thought that being the class curator would be easy. I am always on social media, so I thought this week’s activities would come as second nature. However, that Sunday afternoon when I opened Ms. Barta’s email informing me that it was my turn to take charge, I realized how wrong I had been.

 I looked at the previous weeks’ posts to get a feel for curating and thought I had a pretty good idea of where to start. I knew I wanted to be somewhat unique, but when I opened up Twitter and Spotify I completely blanked. I stared at the screen thinking of possible tweets or possible songs for my playlist, but nothing came to me. I gave up on this endeavor and turned to Instagram, my favorite social media. 

Luckily that Sunday my roommates and I had planned to go into Boston, and I thought “what better way to start my media week than with my Instagram story?” I told my roommates about this project and they were more than happy to help me out. From the second we got into our friend’s car, we started taking pictures and bouncing around ideas for other pictures to tell our story. Needless to say, Instagram was the easiest part of the week.

 Next, I moved on to Twitter. I am a huge fan of music videos, and of course Boston College, so naturally the BC “Shake It Off” video was the first thing to be tweeted. After the first tweet though, I got stuck. I wanted to tweet things that everyone would like and relate to, but I followed Ms. Barta’s advice instead and tweeted things that show off my personality. In the long run, I’m glad I did this because it makes my week that much more personalized.

The last thing I did was create my playlist. I found this extra challenging because my music taste varies greatly and I could not find a single theme in all my random songs. I decided to go with Spanish music because I love the culture and I thought it would be completely different from what Courtney, Rachel, and Dave picked. Not to mention, Spanish songs are fiery and get you moving, a nice contrast to a stressful or mundane school day. 

When I realized that this week’s media is about showing off your personality, that was when it became the easiest. My biggest advice for the future curators is to be true to yourself. That is how you will make the most of your week and have fun in the process. I am glad I got to share a piece of my life with you all, now I cannot wait to see the rest of yours!

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