I can wholeheartedly say that this course validated my passion for expressing myself on paper. As someone who has always had excitement for creative writing, I knew that taking a rhetoric class about the iPhone would undoubtedly allow me to write creatively— going against a ‘typical’ college rhetoric course. In addition, by writing about relative experiences and interests, I was able to grow as an author. Throughout the semester, I touched up on concisely putting my thoughts into one well written, piece of work. Also, I practiced producing argumentative narratives, personal narratives, and even brushed up on my iMovie skills!
Who would’ve known that a course about the iPhone would’ve taught me so much about myself as an author? I strongly believe that one’s personal phone holds a lot of truth behind their character; it was very useful to dig deep into these truths and unlock the author behind the phone! To all future students taking this course, I recommend being completely honest about your phone habits! It will bring you closer to your peers and allow you to learn more about yourself as an author/member of the class.
Ms. Barta also made this course very enjoyable! She is a highly organized professor (super rare to find these days) that truly cares about helping her students improve- and does so in a relevant way. By creating a course that is extremely useful and relevant to millennials, students are not only able to relate to their professor, but are also able to learn a lot about their fellow classmates, too! To Ms. Barta’s future students: utilize her office hours!!! I was probably at 80% of her office hours and not only got a ton of helpful feedback, but also was able to create a relationship with my professor (which can be very helpful for the future, too)!
All in all, I really enjoyed this class and would recommend it to my closest friends. Definitely not an easy A though, so work hard and have fun!
I think the two main points we both agree on are that this class fostered our growth as writers and that Ms. Barta organized this class flawlessly! I’m sure that the office hours helped a ton – if I was able to ask for help after class or through emails and had all of my questions answered without being able to attend office hours, it goes to show how well Ms. B communicated with us!
I’m sure we can all agree that this class has taught us a lot more than what we had originally thought it would. I know when I registered this class, it was out of pure curiosity, and the fact that it’s a writing flag. Never would I have thought that it would include assignments that challenged my knowledge of writing. I wish I had the time to attend office hours, but I’m glad you had the opportunity to do so.