Final Say

Dear Future Students,

I took Rhetoric of the iPhone as a senior and could easily say that it was THE most dynamic course in my entire college career. There is a lot of work but it is important to not feel overwhelmed. The assignments vary, but they are actually quite fun. You will be expected to write essays, blog posts, create Instagram/Twitter posts, make a Spotify playlist, and more. Professor Barta constantly strives to improve the course and is dedicated to the growth of her students, more so than any other instructor I’ve had.

What you get from this course depends on how much effort you put in. Professor Barta is extremely helpful and will encourage you to give it your all. Office hours can be your best friend if you utilize them correctly. Allocate your time appropriately, or else it will show in the quality of your work. Try your best to attend every lecture because they are critical to success in the class.

If I could go back to the beginning of the semester and do something differently, I would have gotten to know my classmates better. During video presentations on the last few days of class, I learned so much about my peers. They each had unique individual strengths and experiences. Developing that bond with classmates will lead to better class discussions.

My last piece of advice is to relax and have fun! You will be given numerous opportunities to write about what interests YOU. I can’t think of any other class that better relates course material to personal interests. Professor Barta is truly interested in your individualism and how students communicate these days on social media. She’s personable, kind, funny, patient, and hands down the best instructor for this course! Don’t be surprised at how far you’ll get by the end of the semester. The course will bring out the author in you.

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