Hey guys! So I just wanted to share my experience of curating media this week. Since I’m not much of a fan of social media, this was an interesting week. I’ve never had a Facebook, Snapchat or a Twitter! I have an Instagram but my account is a ghost account, I rarely use it. So as you can see, posting on social media this week was different for me.
Since I had never used or even seen what a Twitter account looks like, this platform was a bit of a challenge at the beginning. Not only because it didn’t know how to use it (the first time I posted a tweet I had to google how to do it, hahah), but I’m just not used to posting what I’m doing or thinking.
Instagram was a bit easier for me since I at least know how to use it. I’ve always liked taking pictures of everything, even uneventful situations but they idea of posting has never attracted me. I think that comes not only because I don’t like to share everything that I’m doing but also because I care a lot what people think. The thing that gives me the most anxiety about posting on social media is the judgment that can come with anything that we post.
Posting for this class was different because I really didn’t mind what people might think. It was reassuring to read that other who have already curated thought the same thing that I did. Curating media this class was a good social media learning experience for me. I now know how to use twitter!
I loved making the Spotify playlist because I went through songs that I hadn’t heard in a while. It was awesome to re-listen to these songs because each song would instantly connect to a memory.
Ana 🙂
I also have never had a twitter but I use my Facebook and instagram quite a bit! I agree that people can be very judgmental about posts. Critics can hide behind a computer screen and be harsh. Most people also only post about the good things that are happening to them (which is great), but we can forget by looking at social media that tough times happen to others too, even if they don’t post about it.
Pam, I think its all about looking in the right place. For me, my Facebook is riddled with exposition of “bad” things like the victims in Aleppo, the silencing of media, protests all over Western and Easten Europe, Duterte’s genocide in the Philippines, etc. It’s definitely because so many of my Facebook friends are political science or international relations majors. What I’m getting at, Facebook and social media is what you and who you follow make it. But to your point, people are naturally judgmental on social media and navigating to find genuinity and truth has become much harder.
Hi, Ana,
I’m re-listening to your playlist right now! It’s a fun selection of songs. 🙂 It’s cool the conversation you’ve started about use of social media platforms through your non-use of social media (I’m always interested to have a couple of students in this camp).
Nice job on your week!
Wow what a unique and diverse playlist you have. I definitely found some music that I plan on vibing to much more often. You’re also in my writing group so I felt a real need to comment on here and just say whats up.
I immediately smiled when Ms. Barta played your playlist in class because I love Selena and a lot of other latin music that you added onto it. Also, I am so impressed that you have never used/rarely use social media, it really can cause you to become more insecure and feel judged and I respect you for sharing that because you are not alone there. Good job!
Hi Ana,
I’m kinda late to your post but I just wanted to point out that I feel more people should follow your behavior of not posting for uneventful situations. I understand that some moments are worthy to keep, but it’s not good to make people tap through a two-minute snapchat story.