“Mad Libs” Story Scenes

Rules: After we collaborate as a class to fill in a series of “Mad Libs Story Scenes,” I’m going to give you each a prompt you must write a short story / scene describing in detail. The more zany and ridiculous, the better, honestly. However, there’s a few catches.

  1. The words supplied by the class (i.e. the added “Mad Libs”) cannot be explicitly written in your scene. Show us, don’t tell us that your scene is about a penguin farmer whose evil plot is eliminating their essential cuteness.
  2. To complete your mission, you are going to have to rely on developing a sense of character, setting, detail, description, and dialogue. Make us feel like we are there!
  3. After you write your scene, post it here. We’ll then switch off reading it, as dramatically as possible. Our goal will be to guess 1) the plot / characters you have written about, but perhaps more importantly, what emotion / tone you have taken to enliven your story.

Have fun with this!