This week I was one of our media curators. To be completely honest, I over thought the entire thing. I didn’t know what to post, or if anyone would like what I’d post so for the most part I kept all my posts to a minimum. On my own personal Instagram account I follow all the norms, post at the right time, use a flattering filter, never like your own picture. But on our class account I felt more free to post what I actually wanted to post (we have 4 followers so it’s not like I would be judged) I posted one at 5:30 one morning and I felt liberated. I took pictures of whatever I wanted to and just posted to it without a second thought. It was a great feeling. Twitter however was a different story. On Twitter I am used to retweeting, commenting, and basically posting things that would only make sense in my own head. I found it was difficult for me to tweet on our account simply because I didn’t know how to. I didn’t know the brand/style or if I was allowed to tweet nonsense, retweet etc… I apologize for my Spotify playlist. I’m weird and basically the only style of music I listen to on a consistent basis is Broadway/ Disney. So I decided to share my love with you all.. You’re welcome.
This assignment was very interesting, I thought it would be easy, and maybe it was easy for some, but I overthink everything and that didn’t work well for me. My advice to future curators is to just be yourself because honestly trying to please your audience is extremely difficult and you will end up finishing this assignment last minute, you will also be stressed and maybe cry as well. Have fun!