Final Say

This class completely exceeded all of my expectations. Although the topic looked interesting, I still thought I would have to write long boring papers. I was pleasantly surprised when we wrote about ourselves and things that effect us. One thing I got from this class is awareness. I think this class should be taken by everyone because it forces us to stop and think. If you look around busy areas you will see people glued to their phones but we need to stop and ask questions. How is this iPhone shaping my identity? Why do I use this app so much? We go on social media websites sometimes and absorb a lot of information and sometimes don’t understand its power over us. I believe understanding how technology is effecting us now will prepare us for the future. I can’t wait to see what technology I don’t want to embrace at the age of 35! I am definitely going to use what I learned in this class everyday and I’m promoting this conversation with those around me too. I mean, what point is it to have all of this knowledge if you don’t share it?

Let me not forget to mention how incredible Ms. Barta is. The class was well organized and I understood the purpose of every short writing assignment, draft, reading..etc. The class just made sense. Thank you for putting so much effort into the class and making sure our (me especially) experiences were pleasant. You’re the real MVP! Most Valuable Professor in this case LOL.