This past week I was in charge of the class social media accounts along with Tiffany. I found success in some areas, and struggled with others, namely Twitter. I’ve had my personal Twitter account for around four years, and I only have around thirty tweets, so I had a hard time deciding what to tweet about for the class. I ended up primarily tweeting out reminders for deadlines and readings to complete before and after each class. After this week, it’s safe to say that I’m still not a fan of Twitter, though I do have a better understanding of how the app works.
Instagram came much easier to me, as I check it on a daily basis and post more frequently. On my own Instagram account, I’ve found that I only post pictures that I think will get a high number of likes. I only post at certain times on certain days to maximize how many likes I think my pictures will get, and it often becomes an inaccurate reflection of who I am. On the class Instagram account, I posted whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I had more fun doing this because I wasn’t caught up in likes or who was was going to see my post. I think the lack of having people I know following me took off the pressure of what I posted, leading to me having an enjoyable time controlling our Instagram accounts.
My Spotify playlist is all over the place here. I mainly listen to rap music, but I had a hard time finding songs that didn’t contain explicit lyrics. I have a little pop, country, and even Disney music on here. After watching the new Beauty and the Beast movie last week, I went back and have been listening to old Disney songs since then. It’s nice to hear some of the songs from my childhood again. Overall, I think this playlist shows the kind of upbeat and positive personality I have.
Overall, I had a good experience as the class media curator. It was fun being able to post on social media accounts other than my own. It showed me how I get caught up in the content of what I post, rather than enjoying the apps for simply posting everything. -JH