This past week I was the media curator for the class. As the semester comes to an end, I have many papers, presentations and exams coming up; I really appreciated having something different to work on. I was in charge of all of the social media accounts that the class has, including Instagram, Twitter and Spotify. My experience as a media curator helped me refresh my mind about the Twitter and Spotify applications.
I had a more difficult time using Twitter. Other than to see what others are tweeting, I rarely use my own Twitter account. I think the reason for this is that I have a hard time thinking about what to tweet. I had to open the Twitter application in order to log in to the class account and I noticed that I haven’t tweeted since like February. I tried my best to tweet on the class account, but I ended up just posting tweets about reminders of the work that was needed for class. However, I enjoyed being able to use the Twitter application to actually post something rather than just looking over other tweets.
Instagram was easier for me to use as it is the social media application that I use the most. I don’t usually post pictures as frequently as I had to for the class account, but it was still easier to find what I wanted to post. One of the things that helped me was that I went back home for Easter, and I had enough material to choose from. I was able to post a video with my little cousin who I wrote my iNarrative about.
Creating a Spotify playlist was by far my favorite activity of this assignment. I created a Spotify account a while back, but never really used it. I usually use other applications to play music on my phone or play Youtube playlists on my laptop. Being able to dedicate time to look for songs that I like, new or old, was very fun. I found some old songs that I love but I hadn’t heard in a while. My playlist varies in genre but it’s mostly country. The majority of the music I listen to on the daily is country, but I like a lot of songs from a wide range of genres. I enjoyed creating a Spotify playlist for the class, that I even found myself listening to it throughout the week.
Through this assignment I was able to use Twitter and Spotify again after a long time. I overall enjoyed this assignment very much and hope that my playlist is enjoyable! -JC