Week 9 Curator

Spring Break was a tease as some of us, like myself, are starting to count down the weeks until summer. Getting back into the swing of things is tough after spring break. Classes are draining, tests are approaching, and homework assignments can pile up. Although this wasn’t an assignment that I was dreading to do, I still found being a curator for this class to be a little challenging.

Twitter was the toughest social media platform for me. I don’t have a personal twitter account, so I wasn’t quite sure how to use the app. I don’t know what people usually tweet about or what a “retweet” actually means. I am not one to think, “I should tweet this” or “that would make a great tweet”. I used Twitter more as a way to share news and reminding the class about changes in deadlines, instead of sharing random thoughts.

I enjoy taking pictures and like to use Instagram quite often. Filters can work wonders but I am not one to stress about how many likes my pictures get. I think that peoples’ Instagram pages describe their personality. I couldn’t think of ways to post pictures that represent the class as a whole, so I posted pictures of what was surrounding me this week. I shared pictures of me trying to study, sweets, and my puppy. Three out of the four pictures included my dog, some might say I am an obsessed dog owner.

My Spotify playlist is inspired by the songs I listened to over spring break. Over the break I went on a road trip to Colorado with my brother and dad. The playlist includes some of the music they enjoyed in the car ride. My dad prefers to listen to 70s and 80s radio stations instead of listening to the overplayed songs on other common stations. Some of his favorite songs are featured on this playlist.

I never thought I would use social media for a homework assignment but I enjoyed it!


