Sanjeet’s “Austin-lent” Adventure

Even though this is only my third year in Austin, I already feel like this is my city. It feels like I’ve done all the outdoorsy Austin activities, Zilker, Mt. Bonnell, Barton Springs, The Longhorn Run, so I decided to find more discreet gems in and around the city. In Juan’s post, he explored Austin’s budding stand-up scene so I knew there was so much out there I haven’t even thought about.

My friend Miguel is from San Marcos. He always would talk about this small but famous BBQ market on the outskirts of the Austin Metroplex called Smitty’s. Established in 1948, Smitty’s is on every “Best BBQ in Texas” list. We wanted to try everything… So we ordered a pound of each, we may have over-done it. We got ribs, jalepeno and regular sausage, brisket, pork shoulder and chicken. Hands-down the best ribs I have ever eaten. The employees knew I wasn’t a local because I asked for a plate. Apparently that’s a big no-no.


  I had some family come into town and they were dying to experience some of the “real Austin life”. I took them to The City Theatre Company off airport blvd for a puerto rican themed play. My friend, Christian, recommended it, saying its the best bang-for-your-buck. Plays were never my cup of tea but my sister and my cousins girlfriend really liked it.

By far the biggest decision I made this semester was getting my puppy from a local Austin breeder. She’s an 8-week old Aussie named Blue. She’s crazy energetic (which explains the picture; it was the only pic she kind of stood still for). I can’t wait to spend the next 12-15 years raising her.

This semester marked the end my Junior year. 6th street and frat parties aren’t what they used to be. More than any other semester, this felt more serious. I had interviews weekly (at least), I didn’t go out every night after Thursday, and I met with professors for graduate opportunities. The games feel over, real life hit me. In this, the “mature” semester I had really gets me excited to see what more is in store. Thank god I will always have memories saved on Snapchat and photos and videos uploaded to iCloud, this way I can always see how far I’ve come.