My Week as Class Curator

This week I was selected to be the class curator. The experience has given me a lot of insight on how different social media apps work. I’m not a Twitter user, so I’ve never used Twitter before. Being the class curator has given me the chance to check out how Twitter works and what people usually post on it. One thing that I found difficult was that I don’t think I knew exactly what to post. I was having trouble finding out what kind of posts would attract my audience. I used Twitter to remind my classmates when an assignment was due and tried to include some current fun activities that was going on in Austin.

I think that Instagram is easier to use than Twitter. This is probably because I use Instagram a lot and have already grasped the whole idea of how Instagram works. In my own personal account, I think about a lot of aspects before I post a photo/video. The time of the day really matters to me because it relates to how many likes I can get. Moreover, the quality of the picture is important as well. After two or three hours, if my post doesn’t receive as many likes as expected, I often decide to remove the post. However, using the class account didn’t give me this much pressure in thinking about whether the post will receive many likes or how my audience would like my posts. I just posted what I wanted to post and that felt nice. I didn’t have to worry about people judging me from my posts.

Overall, putting together a spotify playlist was definitely the most exciting in my experience as a curator. I got to go back and play old songs. I think my audience can see my personality just from listening to the songs in my playlist. From Kpop to EDM to Adele, my playlist includes a lot of variety in music. I hope y’all enjoy it!