Death Week

Why hello there my fellow classmates. My name is Varden Vu and I can officially say that I have survived my first week of mid terms. This past week I have been doing nothing but studying. I had three exams this past week, one on Monday and two on Friday. I can’t really say it has been an eventful week, because it really hasn’t. I started my week off with a good morning 9:00 A.M. exam. Might I also add, that I had no sleep prior to that exam. After taking that exam, I skipped the rest of my classes to sleep with a timer to wake me up in two hours so I can continue studying. For the next two days I decided to skip all my classes and hole myself up at PCL. It is a very unnatural habit, but how I would stay at PCL for hours on end is by eating and stuffing my stomach full of protein dense food in the morning to maintain satiety, then take my prescribed adderall so that I can stay at PCL longer without having to eat. I maintained this routine until Friday for my two most dreadful tests. When I arrived at what I though to be the testing location, I realized I did not have a calculator, so I had to bum one off of a really nice guy that happened to be there. With all the stress built up, I had forgotten that my test was in another location, to which I biked as fast as I could, barely making it on time. While I was taking the test, I felt an uncontrollable pain in my chest and found it extremely difficult to breath. I then got permission from the Professor to face the wall and relax. Once the pain subsided somewhat, I went back to finishing my test even though I could hardly breath. My next test came right after, and I finished the test in the same manner as the one prior. I believe the cause to my difficulty in breathing and chest pains were due to me not sleeping for two days in a row and taking adderall continuously for both of those days. I wish I could say that I will not repeat the same study routine, but it granted me two A’s and I’m expecting at least a B for the other one.