Rhetoric of the iPhone was a journey for me, as I developed as a writer and explored my digital identity. I challenge everyone who comes through the class to create an identity for themselves, and discover their classmates. The class is an opportunity to express who you are, both through text and digitally. Through your work, you can give your classmates a peek into your life and thoughts. It’s fascinating to see what everyone is doing throughout during the semester – whether it’s skydiving or dealing with 4 midterms in one week. Ms. Barta is an amazing teacher who provides a great framework for anyone to grow as a writer and a person. She has the ability to bring the best out of everyone, while delivering the perfect balance of fun and learning. The flexibility I had in my writing and blog posts was something I really enjoyed in this class, as it allowed to me write about topics I was truly passionate about. One of my favorite quotes from the class was “always strive to write something you would want to read.” I’m most thankful for the chance to read Shit*y First Drafts. I have always been more or less a perfectionist, and spend a great deal of time trying to make my first drafts “perfect”. The reading made me realize that it is okay to write a messy first draft, where I pour everything out. This new mindset saves me time while writing and provides me with plenty of fresh ideas to work with. Even though this class was only one semester, the lessons and memories I’ve taken from it are for a lifetime.