Final Say

When I signed up for this class, I honestly thought it was going to be a lecture hall about the iPhone’s history, consisting of tedious, boring essays that didn’t spark my interest. I was so thrilled to find that this class involved creative writing assignments that not only had interesting topics, but were also very fun to write! I was not expecting to have homework that involved watching my favorite TV show (to collect video clips) or browsing my Pinterest account for inspiration for an essay! Although I came into this class with a good set of writing skills, the multiple drafts that we were required to do for each essay truly helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses, while teaching me how to write more clearly and succinct. This course has taught me how to love drafts, for they are for our benefit and help us to improve.  If someone asks me what is author is, instead of blankly staring into space with no words, I can now provide a very thorough answer to a once complicated question. Ms. Barta is a fantastic and very approachable teacher. I highly recommend going to her office hours! I got so much helpful feedback, and it’s always refreshing to have a teacher that is there to help you. If you put 100% effort into all your assignments, you will find that this course is very constructive for developing your writing skills (which are very important in life!) in an entertaining way.