Final Say

I walked into this class expecting an insurmountable load of assignments and back-breaking – excuse me, finger-breaking – essays. I was wrong. From the moment I stepped into the classroom and heard Ms. Barta explain everything, I realized that this class was perfect for me. This “Rhetoric of the iPhone” class DIDN’T involve writing extensive essays over general technology or even iPhones. Ms. Barta DIDN’T agonizingly drone on each day about writing techniques or the history of the device our eyes are glued to 24/7. Ms. Barta DID, however, relate this class to each one of us individually – her teaching style and approach to this class helped us learn more about ourselves, how we write, and how we could uniquely improve in a way that integrated the teachings of a solid writing foundation as well as versatile, interesting topics that our generation faces every day. One of my favorite aspects of this semester’s class was our group’s digital literacy; I feel as though each student was a perfect fit for the class, which enriched the learning experience. While I hope that the next class is as digitally literate as our class was, I also hope that they are prepared for UT’s #1 Comedian: Ms. Barta. She doesn’t seem like quite the joker at first glance, but she’ll have the class deceased after a few class days (not literally!). Most importantly, this class has proven to me and my fellow classmates what teaching and learning SHOULD be like.