Week 8 Curator

I got a shot at being media curator this week with Jack. It was pretty fun, because it wasn’t really an imposition and didn’t feel like an assignment.

I had the most fun with Twitter, because I feel like it has the most creative options. On Instagram you can only post pictures while I felt I could be more creative on Twitter. I got to write silly things about our class which was kind of fun. On Twitter I posted GIFs, words and pictures, which is a unique platform.

I also had fun on Instagram. Whenever I took a picture during the day, I posted it to Instagram. I’m not normally a big Instagram guy, but I do check it about once a day. I take plenty of pictures though, so it wasn’t too tough to come up with content to post. I’m normally more selective about what I post on Instagram and haven’t posted anything since like November. I posted pictures of food for the most part, since that’s what I base my day around haha. I posted a picture of a cute puppy though, go check out Keyser. 10/10 would recommend.

On Spotify, I enjoyed making a playlist with a variety of genres. I normally have three different playlists on Spotify: Oldies, Country, and Rap. I combined most of the songs I’ve been listening to on each of those playlists and turned it into a 30 song playlist with lots of different artists and music. The only challenge I had was trying to find songs without explicit content for my rap songs. I eventually found enough that didn’t have it though.

Being a media curator was pretty fun.
