I can wholeheartedly say that this course validated my passion for expressing myself on paper. As someone who has always had excitement for creative writing, I knew that taking a rhetoric class about the iPhone would undoubtedly allow me to write creatively— going against a ‘typical’ college rhetoric course. In addition, by writing about relative experiences and interests, I was able to grow as an author. Throughout the semester, I touched up on concisely putting my thoughts into one well written, piece of work. Also, I practiced producing argumentative narratives, personal narratives, and even brushed up on my iMovie skills!
Who would’ve known that a course about the iPhone would’ve taught me so much about myself as an author? I strongly believe that one’s personal phone holds a lot of truth behind their character; it was very useful to dig deep into these truths and unlock the author behind the phone! To all future students taking this course, I recommend being completely honest about your phone habits! It will bring you closer to your peers and allow you to learn more about yourself as an author/member of the class.
Ms. Barta also made this course very enjoyable! She is a highly organized professor (super rare to find these days) that truly cares about helping her students improve- and does so in a relevant way. By creating a course that is extremely useful and relevant to millennials, students are not only able to relate to their professor, but are also able to learn a lot about their fellow classmates, too! To Ms. Barta’s future students: utilize her office hours!!! I was probably at 80% of her office hours and not only got a ton of helpful feedback, but also was able to create a relationship with my professor (which can be very helpful for the future, too)!
All in all, I really enjoyed this class and would recommend it to my closest friends. Definitely not an easy A though, so work hard and have fun!