Category Archives: Country Subgenres

Happy Birthday Scotty McCreery!


On October 9th Scotty McCreery turned 21 years old. Most of you may know him from American Idol where he won the tenth season. He was only seventeen years old then! That makes him the second youngest contestant to win American Idol. Now at twenty-one years of age he is currently on his See You Tonight Tour. On his actual birthday he was performing his show at the KMPS Presents: The Sunset Chevrolet 12-Man Jam in Seattle. Scotty's 21st on tourDuring his performance Scotty was surprised with a cake on stage with candles and all. Joe Tafoya and Norm Johnson, two retired Seattle Seahawks players were the ones who took it out on stage for Scotty to blow out all of his candles.

What did he wish for you might ask? As a National Goodwill Ambassador for the 12.14 Foundation, Scotty asked fans to help him celebrate his 21st birthday by making a donation to the 12.14 Foundation. (You too can fulfill Scotty’s wish by making a donation like I did by clicking on the link in the previous sentence. Every dollar counts!) The non-profit organization plans to build a multipurpose performing arts and education center for the residents of Newtown, Connecticut, site of the tragic 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. What a selfless individual.

This must have been an amazing experience for the fans to witness this as well as be a part of the celebration for another monumental year in the life of a young country music star. This really builds a strong relationship with fans by sharing intimate moments like a birthday. The fans feel connected to Scotty on a personal level which just makes them even more loyal, supportive, and influential when it comes to supporting his 12.14 Foundation as well as his career.

McCreery will also hold a benefit concert for the organization on Thursday, December 4 at the Toyota Oakdale in Wallingford, Conn. Danielle Bradbery will be joining him as well for the special performance. I don’t know about you, but every time I hear about celebrities really making a positive impact it warms to hear to know they are using there influence and status to better the world instead of take advantage of it.

This is not seen too often unfortunately. Who knows, maybe it’s just the good ole country spirit that working in Scotty. The country boy spent his birthday with family and friends back home in North Carolina. He will then be returning to the See You Tonight Tour in Fayetteville, N.C., on Oct. 17.

Tour Bus


Filed under Live Music, New Country

Selfies with Brad Paisley

I know your initial reaction would be to think this is my phone and Brady Paisley taking a selfie with it. Well………..unfortunately this is not my phone, but, if you look closely I am in the background waving frantically at the camera. So as Brad gave the phone back to the girl in the front row, she was quickly swarmed with people, such as myself, entering their phone number to send out the picture.

IMG_1074On September 4th, I visited Brad Paisley for the second time, this performance was at the Austin 360 Amphitheater. The first time I saw him perform was in 2011 at the Houston rodeo. Although I was not within spitting distance of him in 2011, I was still very impressed with his performance.  That was my first time seeing him live and really listening to his music. Quickly after the performance I was downloading all of his songs and had them on repeat. Along with having a great voice, Paisley is just a very entertaining performer. He is always moving around the stage and keeps the audience engaged. At one of Paisley’s concerts you will be sure to hear most of his classics which include: “Camouflage,” “Then,” “Ticks,” “Mud on the Tires,” and then to end the concert of course he sings “Alcohol”. Along with many more of his greatest hits, these were probably his most popular songs and really got the crowd involved.

While having big expectations from the first performance, Paisley definitely pleased my needs the second time around. Even though Carrie Underwood did not make a special appearance to sing “Remind Me,” it was still a great performance.  Although he performed a majority of the same songs, he still impressed me with his lyrics.  One thing you will be sure to get at a Brad Paisley concert is the same voice and you hear on the radio. His voice on the radio and his voice live are exactly the same which shows there is no tampering in his albums. Side note, one lucky boy even received a guitar from Paisley himself after playing a song with it then signing it.

IMG_1057One interesting thing I learned at this concert was how much Paisley uses the violin in his songs. Besides  Paisley strumming the guitar most of the time, I would say the violin was the second most used instrument in the band. The violinist also received the most solos, behind Paisley of course, and was very impressive during this performance. Overall, Brad Paisley always puts on a great show. You will never die of boredom or stop tapping your foot along with the rhythmic melody is his songs.  I would strongly encourage anyone to get see a concert of his if the opportunity is available, you will not be disappointed.

I would like to hear about anyone else’s experience at his one of his concerts or any other thought yall may have! Thanks for reading.


Filed under Live Music, New Country

Southern Hospitality

Texas has a strong stereotype. For some reason people think we all ride horses to school, live on ranches and wear cowboy boots. However, out of all the myths and falsehoods floating around one that I can proudly say rings true is the term southern hospitality. I never really thought much of it until I went to a Keith Urban concert in Boston this summer.

The calm before the storm

The calm before the storm

In July, I visited one of my roommates here at UT in her hometown of Boston. We thought it would be interesting to experience a country concert outside of the Texas atmosphere. Right away I was pointing out differences. There were hot dog vendors and popcorn stands scattered throughout the parking lot with people eating in lawn chairs and having a good time. Unlike my usual country venue, the Cynthia Woods Pavilion, which is strategically placed near a highly urbanized area of town, this venue was in the woods with beautiful trees filling out out the landscape.  We found an area in the lawn, set out our blanket and waited for opening act Brett Edredge to start. Slowly, our area was infested with swarms of young people in fake cowboy boots. The buzz was so loud I couldn’t hear Brett at all. People were standing and yelling throughout his entire set, something I was not familiar with at the Cynthia Woods. My personal bubble was popped within a matter of minutes with people stumbling all around me.

Keith Urban front and center singing  one of his latest hits "Cop Car"When Keith Urban came on the place exploded with excitement while he sang a few classics like “Days Go By” and “Kiss a Girl.” Before the show they had set up a stage in the lawn, so we sat near the rail knowing Keith would walk out to the stage to sing a few songs. As he walked up to the stage, I was tossed around like a rag doll, pushed and shoved and squeezed up against the railing. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t worth it just so I could see him perform “Cop Car” up close and personal. When he got off stage several people decided it would be fun to jump around the stage, dance around and flash the audience. Fifteen minutes and a few security guards later, the scene was thankfully over. Apparently, I did not get the memo that class and country do not co- exist in Boston.

Even though the atmosphere was unlike any in Texas, Keith Urban was worth the price of admission. His guitar skills and swoon worthy Australian accent make him a must see.

Sometimes we take things for granted. We have no idea how good we actually have it until it’s gone. Texas may have many stereotypes, but no one can deny that sweet southern hospitality. When it comes to country music concerts, I think I’ll stick with my Cavender’s boots and take my chances!


Filed under Live Music, New Country, Reflection, Texas

I Have More Fun When They’re Having Fun

There are few things I love more than watching an artist or a band that loves to perform. I have always had a more enjoyable time at concerts when the band gets into the music and looks like they are genuinely having a good time. This typically only occurs at country music concerts and this trend continued this weekend at the Turnpike Troubadours concert at the Austin City Limits Music Festival.

IMG_1928It was a great show, from beginning to end. I camped out at the stage for an hour with six of my friends and it was well worth it because we were about 20 feet from the stage and right smack dab in middle. I swear I made eye contact with Evan, the lead singer, multiple times. He even looked right at my camera at one point. I had so much fun singing along to the songs, but I could tell the band had even more fun.

I loved Turnpike Troubadours before I saw them this weekend and now I love them even more. When they walked on stage, you could see Evan’s face light up when he saw everyone in the crowd cheering and screaming. It was easy to tell that he and his band-mates were beyond honored to be at ACL playing for everyone out there.

Throughout the show, each band member would take turns coming forward during songs to get close to the audience and engage with them. They wanted to see our faces, they wanted to see us sing, and they wanted us to see that they were excited to be there performing for us. They would smile at each other at points in their songs when the crowd shouted the lyrics or when we cheered long after their songs ended. They had smiles on their faces for the majority of the show. I had a feeling they would be excited to be there because they are a smaller band and this may have been the largest stage they’ve played on, but I had no idea how much they would show how excited they were to be there.

That's the steel guitar on the left!

That’s the steel guitar on the left!

Another thing I loved about this concert was how genuine of a country band they are. Until taking this class, I had never really thought about what it meant to “be country,” but know that I have I know that Turnpike Troubadours really are country. They have everything that makes up a country band, from the instruments, the lyrics, and the look.

Their setlist from the concert.

They have acoustic guitars, electric guitars, a fiddle, a banjo, drums, and the instrument I was most excited about, the steel guitar. When I saw it sitting up there, I immediately thought about this class and how influential the steel guitar has been throughout country music history. Their songs are filled with stories about love, nostalgia, and being out in the country. They opened the show with my favorite song, “Every Girl” which describes a girl whom a boy is in love with. The lyrics echo nostalgia, love, and everything it means to be country. It states “she was born in the morning late October San Atone” and describes her as “a sober Sunday kitchen conversation with my dad,” “every friend I’ve ever had,” and “a flighty good time buddy in the corner of the bar.”

All in all, this was one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. I was more excited to be there once I saw how excited the band was. I really think it makes a difference when a band shows how honored and happy they are to be performing – it makes it so much more enjoyable for the audience and it definitely made it more enjoyable for me at this concert.


Filed under Austin, Live Music, New Country, Reflection, Texas

My Dad, Tim McGraw and I

People here in Texas wouldn’t expect for me to be a country music fan because I am from California, but I actually grew up listening to country music. My dad’s country music albums were constantly playing in our house as a kid, so my brother and I basically grew up listening to it. The first concert that I ever went to was just my dad and I, and we watched Pat Green play at the Staples Center when I was eight. Ever since then, going to country concerts has always been something that I do with my dad.

IMG_0572The summer going into my senior year in high school my dad surprised me with Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw concert tickets that he had gotten through his work. They were playing at Angel’s baseball stadium and our tickets were sitting right on the field in front of the stage. They weren’t exactly seats, they were just a general area that you could stand it right in front of the stage so it was a little weird being in the mosh pit with a bunch of intoxicated young people while I was with my dad, but it was worth it for how close we were. We only caught the last few songs of Jake Owen (who was the opening act), which I was a little bummed about because I love a few of his songs. But then after that, Tim McGraw came on who is my favorite country music artist by far. He played a perfect mixture between his old and new songs, which was great because I knew pretty much all of them but my dad only knew the older ones so he got to hear the new songs he’s come out with. He was really interactive with the audience, which I thought was exciting and towards the end of his performance the sun was setting over the stage so it was a picture perfect moment for me.

IMG_0573As I am now looking back into my photo albums from the concert I realized that every single picture I took was of Tim, and I didn’t have a single picture from when Kenny Chesney performed. I think that was partially because it was dark by the time Kenny came on, and also maybe a little bit because I am a bigger fan of Tim McGraw. Kenny was an amazing performer however; he entered the stage on a blue chair while singing “Old Blue Chair” that was lowered from above the stage. Kenny explained to the crowd that his favorite thing in the world to do is travel to different beaches around the world, which explains why a majority of his music videos take place on the beach. His whole performance revolved around the paradise that he finds when he goes to exotic beaches so there were videos of gorgeous sunsets and waves constantly playing while he sang.

Overall, this was one of the best concerts that I have ever been to and I am still grateful that I got to go with my dad. I think country music gives off a feel-good vibe to its listeners and even more so for me because whenever I hear it, it reminds me of my childhood and all the concerts that I have gotten to go to with my dad.


Filed under Live Music, New Country, Reflection