Wow. It wasn’t the most breathtaking sight ever, but it was a view I won’t forget. I could see where I lived freshman year. I could see the buildings where I spent endless nights studying. I could see the highways and the hills to the west. I could see downtown Austin.
I was 28 floors up at the observation deck of the UT tower, somewhere I never thought of being. I felt very relaxed, trying to take it all in. What was funny to me, was how I saw the tower everyday going to class, but never imagined what it was like to be at the top.
The tower, in my opinion, is the ultimate symbol for UT Austin. The tower can be seen miles away far down the highway. The tower is a widely recognized symbol internationally. The tower is where we begin and end our journeys as students. The tower brings us together in times of celebration, but also in times of mourning. The tower is a powerful and beautiful piece of architecture, serving as the center of the university. This was something I really thought about during my time on the deck. I had to take in the fact that this was likely to be one of the only times that I would be up there, so I really tried to enjoy the moment. (Once I put the view on my Snapstory and responded to people asking how to get up there)
I looked around, trying to spot all the places I had been so far during my time at UT. There was a UTPD officer standing guard at the top too. I just thought, I would want that job too if it meant having a view like this every day. Here’s one of the pictures I took from the top.
Being the media curator is an interesting job. For big companies and celebrities, it is a daunting, but meaningful task. I am in charge of my fraternity’s social media, so this experience wasn’t as new, but definitely refreshing. Two of my greatest fears when I make posts are typos and getting things wrong. The thing about social media today is that word spreads so fast and you can never really take anything back. One error or “accident” spells disaster. Anyone can take a screenshot and never let it go. As for large firms, it creates a PR nightmare that could potentially ruin their image forever. My organization’s Facebook page has over 1,400 likes; I am especially careful when I post things to ensure that all the information is correct. I have never written a blog before, so this has been a new experience.
-William Mao
Getting up to the top of the tower is definitely on my senior year to-do list! What a great excuse for you to go there this week. Maybe you could share how we can do the same–book appointment/tour, just show up, etc.? I think it’s so interesting to see that view of Austin *without* seeing the tower since that’s the icon we’re so used to seeing in line with the capital and the tall downtown high-rises.
Of course! The link is, and tickets are $6, available only on weekends. I’m pretty sure you just have to pick a date and time. It was definitely a unique view; for me the hills to the west were something I don’t usually notice from walking everyday around campus.
Like Emily and Ashlee, I’m thrilled you’ve given us yet another item for our UT to-do lists. Perhaps I should add it to our midterm “experiences” blog? 🙂
Overall, the imagery really worked for me: there’s something about social media / writing that in general–at its best–gives one a bird’s eye view of things.
I thought your week at the helm of our accounts was tip-top. I loved how you consistently checked in throughout your week, and we heard from you steadily–it doesn’t surprise me that you also run accounts for another organization. This doesn’t seem like your first rodeo!
I’m struck by what you write about the precision by which people who do social media for a job are now beginning to think about it. Would you be surprised to know that I see fewer typos on Insta posts and tweets than in your papers? There’s something there about our emerging writerly voices directed more and more by audience interpretation.
I think it is so cool that you got to go to the top of the tower! I didn’t even realize that you could buy tickets to do that. Thanks for the website information about the tower tour I will definitely be looking into it! From that view campus looks so different and getting to view UT from that perspective seems like a fantastic experience!
I remember when I first started at UT and I saw the tower every day, I always knew I wanted to see what it was like up there. I had heard stories about the carillon that they play from the tower and I wanted to be able to check it out. When my parents came for parents’ weekend freshman year, I got the chance to tour the UT tower and I remember feeling the exact same way you did. UT looks even more beautiful from the sky, a view that we are not really used to seeing every day. Thanks for sharing your awesome picture too!