All good things must come to an end

I have been dreading this week. For most of us, sending a Snap, posting on Instagram, or Tweeting an event comes naturally. Not so much for me. I was never very active on either mode of social media (though I can be quite the occasional lurker), not because I had some strong agenda against it, but I just never “got into it”. I saw it as more of a burden to constantly have my social life ruled by these little boxes on our screens. So when this assignment was announced, I got pretty nervous. When my week began, I actually had to plan how I was going to curate in my head (noooo I didn’t google “how to hashtag”…ok fine yes. Yes, I did). But once I shared my first post on Instagram, the blinders came right off! It was like exploring a whole new world for me: Confusing, but exciting! I actually enjoyed actively participating in social media, and sharing new experiences via these networks. I have always been a WhatsApp girl, and am constantly sending life updates to family and friends. But I enjoyed this new-found medium of sharing and connecting just as much! I found myself posting pictures of food, adventures in Austin, and memories, tweeting helpful articles and words of encouragement. More importantly, I found myself looking forward to doing so. I’m glad I got to experience this change, and see what it was all about for myself. And while my week of being media curator was so much fun, I hope to continue engaging with social media. They say “All good things must come to an end eventually, but the next experience awaits.”

Love, Sakeenah

16 thoughts on “All good things must come to an end

    • Aww! My sentiments exactly! It was such a great experience curating with you:) I loved your post with the quote on the floor in NYC, it was great, inspirational way for anyone to start their week:)

  1. Hey Sakeenah! First off, I want to commend the resiliency you had for staying away from social media for so long. I find it so difficult to put my phone down sometimes, and I honestly couldn’t imagine living without a single form of social media. I’ve attempted to delete my Snapchat and Instagram, but that only lasted a couple weeks. Now that you are on social media, do you find the applications that you have addicting? Have you noticed any new formed habits (i.e. on your phone more than usual, doing something “for the snap”, etc.)? Social media definitely has its perks/can be harmful in some slight sense. I’m glad you’re enjoying it, though!

    • Hi Paria! Thank you for your thoughtful questions! I completely understand that feeling of separation anxiety from my phone! Even though I don’t use Snapchat, Instagram, etc, I’m still really attached to my phone. Now that I’m on social media, I find Snapchat VERY addicting, especially looking through everyone’s stories! And I definitely find myself framing a picture for the “snap”, when otherwise I would’ve just looked at a scene and moved on. I completely agree with you in that the perk for me is this new layer of connection I have with people, but I can definitely see how social media sometimes can become too addicting.

  2. Love this! Your posts were great, and you tweets were so full of information! I think it’s awesome that you got a kind of forced trial-run of social media this past week. Capturing your life in a picture or a tweet is a difficult and stressful task, and I totally empathize with your feelings towards it. But what I love about your post is that you started actually enjoying it! I think that’s the positive side of social media–being able to share without feeling pressured to do so.

  3. As someone who has basically been posting on one form of social media or another since I was in high school, it is hard for me to imagine how scary or daunting this assignment must have seemed to you way back in August when we first signed up for weeks! Even without prior experience though, I really enjoyed looking especially at all your Instagram posts. I thought you got some really beautiful pictures of some classic Austin scenes, but in a very unique way. I really liked that instead of taking just the classic tower picture or classic lake picture that everyone is used to seeing, you captured these moments from unique angles that really stood out to me. This must be a very exciting time for you in your life with your upcoming marriage, so enjoy everything to the fullest! Best of luck and hook ’em!

    • Thank you so much for your well wishes! I’m glad you enjoyed the posts, which reminds me of another reason I enjoyed my curator week: expression. Because this assignment forced me to post pictures of my experiences, I tried harder to creatively capture a scene. Before I would take pictures just to show what my day/experience was like. With the focus on Instagram and in an effort to post unique pictures, I was able to frame what was in front of me in a way that was interesting to me. It allowed me to express what part of a normal, every day experience resonates with me, and which part catches my eye. I think that’s why I have also thoroughly enjoyed following everyone else’s curator week! I get to see my world through their eyes!

  4. I relate so much to this! I had a similar experience at the beginning of the semester. The only social media I participated in for a long time was Facebook so I also didn’t know that much about Instagram and Twitter but I still enjoyed my week as a curator and I am glad you ended up enjoying it too!

  5. Sakeenah! I understand how using social media can seem overwhelming and confusing. I am always hesitant to start using a social media when it first comes out because I am concerned that I will not be able to work it. However, once I get the hang of it, I become pretty addicted. I am glad you did not dread curator week as much as you thought you would. I enjoyed seeing your photos and thought you did a great job at it! I hope that being a curator opened doors for you to use and explore different types of social media, as well as continue to use “What’s App.” It is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, which sounds like something you enjoy doing.

  6. I felt a similar way at the beginning of my media curator week too! Although I am an avid social media user, I usually only like to scroll through my feeds and I’ve never actually tweeted or Instagrammed from my accounts. I also planned my posts for the week in my head and thought this assignment would be more difficult for me than it turned out to be. I had a similar experience in that once I started post, it came pretty easy and the rest of the week was a breeze. That being said, I think you did a really good job as the curator and I enjoyed all your posts throughout the week!

  7. I can see your reasoning by not participating in social media. Social media can definitely be a dangerous place. I started getting to social media because all my friend were on it so I thought it was the “cool” thing to do. However, I am kinda glad that I am able to get some important information about what going on with my friends or what around me. Social media for me has done a lot of positive things but of course, there are times were Social media has really screwed me over. Hopefully, you do try out one social media site and enjoy using it.

  8. I completely understand you! I’m the same exact way in that I hate putting stuff up on social media. I’m usually on it to look at other people do stuff as opposed to posting stuff. But I’m so happy that it was a pleasant experience for you! Trying new things is always an exciting and uncomfortable situation but I’m happy that you embraced it and it ended up opening up another side of you. And you did a great job as the curator in my opinion. Super proud of you!

  9. I feel like so many people are switching over to Whatsapp nowadays. I’ve always contemplated on checking the app out myself but never got around to it since not that many people at UT use it. I think nowadays everything is revolved around what everyone else is doing. I’m sure soon enough Whatsapp will be popular even in Austin. Every app now is about a matter of time.

  10. “Occasional lurker.” This made me laugh!Its really interesting that because you were not that involved with social media before, it made your curator week more exciting. I’ve noticed that the older and busier I have become, the less I post on social media. Additionally, I no longer have an urge to post as much as I did when I was in high school. It definitely feels good to not be so hooked on social media so I completely understand you. This post really made me reflect on my social media habits and I really enjoyed it. Great post!

  11. I don’t think it’s bad that you haven’t been active on social media – in my opinion, most of it wastes time and is rarely productive unless it’s for work or school! I really enjoyed the humor in this post because it exemplifies what we all think and breaks from the usual formality in which we all type or describe things. The most important part about “exploring a whole new world” with regards to this class is that you’re growing as a person somehow! This is one of my favorite aspects of the class!

  12. I would say I am an active user of social media, but I really wish I could just drop my phone and forget about it. It truly is a burden as you say to keep up with everything going on around you. I’m glad to hear how starting to explore social media has opened you to a “new world,” and I’m sure we can all relate to being an “occasional lurker.”

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