Final Say

This course was not really what I expected it to be. It was so much better. I initially thought it would be a regular writing course that occasionally would mention technology, however, Ms. Barta surprised a lot of us. The course work was straight forward and the prompts were easy to write because they were all items we are used to in this generation. The challenge I had was getting used to being able to write what I’m truly interested and not about a subject that I would never have to deal with outside of this course. I have learned how to think of myself through technology and how technology effects everyone differently. My advice would be to really try in this course. You’ll be surprised what things you will find out about yourself. Also, Ms. Barta tells a lot of jokes and at the beginning you will think they aren’t that funny, but then you’ll catch yourself laughing from time to time. I know I did. She’s hilarious! I’m sad this class has ended, but I glad more students in the future can take advantage of this opportunity.

3 thoughts on “Final Say

  1. This final say represents EXACTLY what I’ve been thinking this entire semester! I feel as though the style with which Ms. Barta teaches caters to our generation and is relevant to current issues while still maintaining the learning foundation that the class is supposed to provide. I would have never guessed that I would enjoy this class as much as I do now! I do, however, disagree with one thing you mentioned: we laugh at her jokes ALL of the time, not “from time to time”!

  2. I back everything you said 100%. This class exceeded all of my expectations and I’m so happy I took it. I find myself thinking about different things that I used to just let pass my mind like should I be texting during this Thanksgiving dinner? What does that say about me? But I’m happy a lot of us seem to have enjoyed this class.

  3. I could not agree more on everything you stated. I definitely loved this class especially on how we could relate rhetoric to the contemporary society. I would have never imagined to include Kanye West in terms of a rhetoric assignment in my lifetime.

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