Hi fellow classmates, my name is Ryan Hoffman and this past week it was my turn to curate the class social media accounts. This project was very interesting to me because I have never run a social media account other than my own (which is very questionable at times.) This assignment taught me a lot of things, but the most important thing it taught me was to constantly be on the lookout for post-worthy moments. Running the media account for this class made me realize that in order to get the most interaction and command the most attention with your posts, you have to be really thoughtful and deliberate in what you post and what you say. I am a sport management major, and I have thought about becoming a social media coordinator for a professional sports team. That is a position that I think would be really fun but also challenging. The wording and dialect that most professional sports teams use on their social media accounts is different than I use in my own personal tweets or Instagram posts; it is more formal and inclusive, targeting a wider audience with many different interests.
Over the course of the week I went on a few adventures, as I highlighted on the Instagram account. I went to St. Edwards’ Park on Sunday, which was a beautiful and very serene experience. Yesterday, I stumbled across a last minute wristband for ACL for a very good price, so I went to ACL for the first time in my life. What a day. As possibly the world’s biggest rap fanatic (you can find proof on my class playlist), getting the opportunity to see Schoolboy Q and Kendrick Lamar live was absolutely unbelievable. The atmosphere and energy in the crowd was unlike any other concert or performance I have ever been to. Not to mention that I got to see the number one song in America live as well (“Closer,” by the Chainsmokers.)
Overall, my experience as the social media curator was really interesting and definitely unlike any other assignment I’ve done for a class before. I really liked how unique and fun it was, definitely a lighter side of rhetoric that is important for people to experience! Thanks for following along with my posts throughout the week, and Hook ‘Em!!
I think it’s interesting you mention the content of what you post as a social media curator. Getting the most attention and views is one of the goals of a social media handler, and there seems to be many factors to consider to maximize efficiency. These include timing, content, what type of media to post, and phrasing. Even for things such as Instagram posts, I know some friends who prefer to post later in the evening so that there is a better chance of more people viewing and liking their posts. Also, ACL sounded like a blast! I will be sure to go next year.
I find it really cool that you got to experience what it is like to be a social media curator, one of your dream jobs, and were able to enjoy it! I also was at ACL and went to see Schoolboy Q and Kendrick Lamar. The concert was amazing and definitely two of my favorite performances. Chainsmokers was awesome to see but also very crowded, which makes sense since their song is number one. ACL was an unforgettable weekend, and I am glad we both got to experience it.