Write a 3-4 page (double-spaced) argument to your classmates that is grounded in the course theme and that cites some of the texts we’ve read in the class. Include both a Works Cited at the end and a mandatory short self-analysis below your argument that describes your main (arguable) claim, purpose, and the most compelling rhetorical appeal you make. (Paper will not be accepted without complete self-analysis.)
Claim: Your *arguable* claim should be tight and provable within the page limit assigned. (topic v descriptive claim v arguable claim)
Research: Once you determine your arguable claim, find compelling evidence to support it. You should use and cite at least two sources from the course materials in this paper. You may also use outside sources if you wish.
Documenting Sources: In this paper, your sources (even if online) should be documented for print (in other words, don’t just link to an online source). In your text, use MLA parenthetical citation practices stating the author’s name and the page number, if available, and then offering full documentation of each source in a Works Cited page at the end. If you’re not familiar with correctly documenting sources, view “Elements of Citations” video from our library, instructions for Works Cited and in-text citation from the UWC, and/or the MLA styleguide on electronic sources from Purdue OWL (this one explains how to cite videos and websites).
Self-analysis: Below your Works Cited page, include a self-analysis in which you:
- State your arguable claim
- State your purpose: what you want your argument to prompt your audience to think, feel, or do
- Describe what you think is the most compelling piece of evidence you offer and why
Upload your argument paper with self-analysis to the Argument Paper assignment on Canvas for peer review by the assigned date.
**If (and only if) you turn in a complete, peer reviewed version of this assignment on the date and time it’s due, you may revise it with my feedback.**
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